Kim McAfee

Kim McAfee

DRE #: 01937461

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Client Testimonials

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"Kim was great to work with. I sold my home in deep East Oakland, it was a great home but it was old and in a tough area of town. It was great that I could trust Kim and she helped throughout the entire process of getting the house ready to sell, fixing things, staging, landscaping. She knows the area and knows what buyers want to see. She knows how buyers are going to think and compare houses so she did a wonderful job getting the home to look great. She also handled everything well through to the end. She kept me updated and pushed to make sure we got a good sale price. This was already a stressful process and personal to me - it was my first home - but I felt confident that Kim had my best interests in mind and was honest, communicative, and thorough. Definitely happy about the sale and the process was great...I imagine house sales to be way more stressful but Kim handled things so well that I didn't have to stress about things as much, I could trust she knew what she was doing." - Wong Jocelyn

"Kim was an amazing asset to me when looking for my new home. She not only has a sincere interest in real estate, but she consistently proved that she cared about me as an individual and my personal wants and needs. I was new to the house buying process, and had several questions and concerns on a daily basis. She always got back to me and gently walked me through the process, always double checking to make sure we were on the same page. Kim was incredibly knowledgeable and knew the area well as she is a bay area native. She gave me her honest opinion but never pushed her own agenda. I completely trusted Kim the whole time and would give her 10 stars if I could." - Jenny

"We had such a great experience working with Kim! She is extremely knowledgeable, responsive, and proactive, not to mention completely genuine, intelligent and fun to work with. I couldn't have asked for a better experience in selling our house. I would definitely recommend her. She helped us in many ways such as bringing up things we never would have thought of, and what to do in order to get the offers we wanted. Kim really knows her stuff!" - Lisa

"She is absolutely awesome! Clear, communicative, consistent, flexible, on-time and she truly wants her clients to be happy with their sell and buy experience. We used her with both our sell and new buy after leaving other agents who clearly were just motivated by money and encouraged us to buy things that did not match what we were looking at (I even learned it was because they were the sell agent for that property). Kim was VERY DIFFERENT in that she was honest about the pros/cons and how options related to our wish-list without being pushy or overbearing. WE ARE SO HAPPY WITH OUR SELL AND BUY, and it's because Kim was patient and supportive the entire way! She's the only agent I'll ever have ever again. I recommend her to ALL my friends and colleagues also." - Ilana

"Kim is an amazing agent who made the process of buying a home much less stressful. Kim is always responsive, and is super knowledgeable about the area; there was never a single moment we felt in the dark during the long process. Most important of all, Kim is refreshingly honest and always in tune with the needs of her clients. There was never a time we felt like we were being pushed into a purchase, and Kim would always go above and beyond in researching any house to make sure we had the full picture (this certainly saved us multiple times!). To top it all off, Kim is just a fun person to talk with and be around. Highly recommended!" - Ziti

"Kim is hardworking, responsive, ethical, analytical and has a great team and good resources for contractors, handy people etc. Not your typical agent (I've had many). She isn't over polished or profit-driven. I find her warm, compassionate (advocate of those sellers who are not being well-served by their agents), only giving her opinion when asked, does not try to push or "sell" (doesn't paint rosier pictures), looks out for her clients and allows the time it takes to hone your own criteria and timeline. Very often, she held the bar high when my bar was slipping. I appreciated that. Plus I just like her so much as a human being." - Jennifer

About Kim

I am a native Californian. After a career in advertising I now dedicate myself to assisting others in achieving their real estate dreams. 

I’m a home matchmaker. When working with me, get ready to learn everything you didn’t think you needed to know about real estate. I’ve been able to help countless clients with their home buying process. I run a fully transparent, encouraging, fun, but tight ship that’s ready to educate you and advocate on your behalf! My success depends on my ability to understand how important a housing decision is to your present and future needs. After all, for most people buying a home is the biggest investment that they will every make.

I love to see people do smart things with their money, and I view real estate as an important part of a balanced financial portfolio. Whatever your needs are, I am here to help you every step along the way. I hope to help make your buying and selling experience as seamless and rewarding as possible. Whether you are selling or buying a home, you can trust that you'll be well informed on all aspects of your transactions.