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Hailey Kissee

Licensed Real Estate Salesperson

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Client Testimonials

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"We worked with Hailey to purchase our apartment in Brooklyn. She was always responsive, on time and very easy to communicate with. She has a very nice approach to selling real estate and a pleasure to work with."

"Hailey did a great job for our family and found us just the right place! She was pleasant and efficient throughout, and keeps checking in on us - even after the sale. Hailey's heart is in this job and she has the skills to boot! She was flexible, friendly and a joy to work with and we recommend her highly!"

"Hailey helped my husband and I rent our first apartment in Brooklyn, in Carroll Gardens. She was kind, responsive, and super helpful. We love our new home, and we can’t recommend Hailey enough!"

About Hailey
Hailey is a distinguished real estate professional dedicated to delivering a supreme experience for clients seeking to purchase, sell, lease, or invest in New York City. With an unwavering commitment to ensuring a rewarding and enjoyable real estate journey, Hailey approaches each transaction with an unwavering positive attitude and an abundance mindset, adept at embracing any challenge that arises. Under Hailey's expert guidance, clients can expect a seamless and meticulously managed process from inception to completion. Her hallmark attributes include a direct and transparent communication style, a robust work ethic, and an unparalleled attention to detail, ensuring that every aspect of the transaction is handled with precision and care. Recognizing the unique and nuanced needs of each client, Hailey is an attentive listener and a thoughtful communicator, tailoring her approach to align with the distinctive preferences, lifestyle, career, and family requirements of her clients. Her dedication lies in identifying the perfect match for her clients and securing the most advantageous deal possible, reflecting her unwavering commitment to client satisfaction. With a background in Interior Design giving her a proven track record of selling multi-million dollar homes in Los Angeles, Hailey possesses a keen understanding of property presentation and staging, enabling prospective buyers to envision themselves within the space. Her previous experience in Entertainment PR has honed her exceptional communication and interpersonal skills, positioning her as a standout performer in the demanding and fast-paced NYC real estate market. Currently residing in Park Slope with her fiancé, Jordan, and their Husky, Narley, Hailey leads an enriching personal life outside of real estate. She finds joy in leisurely walks with her beloved pup through Prospect Park, exploring local culinary delights, savoring live music performances, indulging in literary pursuits. She is an active member of the Emerging Leaders network within New York Women's foundation and loves contributing to her community through their philanthropic endeavors.

Hailey Kissee’s Listings

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