520 Talbot Avenue, Unit 15

Dorchester, MA 02124

Contact Agent
750 Sq. Ft.
— / Sq. Ft.
Sq. Ft.
per Sq. Ft.


Affordability meets convenience with this 2 bedroom condo located in the vibrant Ashmont neighborhood of Dorchester. The cozy charm of this 750 square foot residence offers a comfortable and stylish living space with fresh paint, a modern kitchen, stainless appliances, breakfast bar & hardwood floors throughout! Common laundry and deeded off street parking make living easy! You'll find everything you need just a short 4 minute walk away including the red line and a variety of other local shops &...Affordability meets convenience with this 2 bedroom condo located in the vibrant Ashmont neighborhood of Dorchester. The cozy charm of this 750 square foot residence offers a comfortable and stylish living space with fresh paint, a modern kitchen, stainless appliances, breakfast bar & hardwood floors throughout! Common laundry and deeded off street parking make living easy! You'll find everything you need just a short 4 minute walk away including the red line and a variety of other local shops & dining options. Prime investment or opportunity to break into home ownership!

Listing Agent

  1. Leah Snowdale

    Leah Snowdale

    Listing Agent



    P: (508)-274-6897

Property Details for 520 Talbot Avenue, Unit 15

MLS Area
MA-Boston, MA-Boston-Dorchester
Parking Spaces
Parking Spaces Total


  • Walk Up
  • Assigned Parking
  • Top Floor
  • Common Laundry
LISTING UPDATED: 01/31/2025 01:29 PM

Property Details for 520 Talbot Avenue, Unit 15

StatusComing Soon
Days on Market-
HOA Fees-
Condo/Co-op Fees-
Compass TypeCondo
MLS Type-
Year Built1966
Architectural Style-
CountySuffolk County

Building Information for 520 Talbot Avenue, Unit 15

Building/Complex520 Talbot AveFloor3Stories-Residences-Pet Policy-Pet Policy Details1 pet per unitYear Built1966Senior CommunityNo

Property Information for 520 Talbot Avenue, Unit 15

Interior Features
  • Num of Full Baths: 1
  • Num of Half Baths: 0
Building / Association Information
Living Characteristics
  • Beds Total: 2

Property History for 520 Talbot Avenue, Unit 15

DateEvent & SourcePriceAppreciation
DateEvent & SourcePrice

For completeness, Compass often displays two records for one sale: the MLS record and the public record.

Public Records for 520 Talbot Avenue, Unit 15

Taxable ValueLand-Additions$321,800Total-
Tax Record2024$3,508 ($292 / month)
Home Facts
Beds2Baths1Total Finished SqFt750 SqFtAbove Grade Finished SqFt750 SqFtStories1Lot Size750 SqFtStyleCondominiumYear Built1966Year Renovated2006ZoningCDCountySUFFOLKAPNDORC W:16 P:01533 S:038

Schools near 520 Talbot Avenue, Unit 15

This home is within Boston Public Schools.
Public - PK to 3
Public - 2 to 12
Public - PK to 1
Public - 6 to 12
Lee Academy
PublicPK to 3

Henderson K-12 Inclusion School Upper
Public2 to 12

Henderson Inclusion Elementary School
PublicPK to 1

Techboston Academy
Public6 to 12

School ratings and boundaries are provided by GreatSchools.org and Pitney Bowes. This information should only be used as a reference. Proximity or boundaries shown here are not a guarantee of enrollment. Please reach out to schools directly to verify all information and enrollment eligibility.

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The property listing data and information, or the images, set forth herein were provided to MLS Property Information Network, Inc., Martha's Vineyard MLS, CCIMLS, Link MLS, and Berkshire County Board of REALTORS from third party sources, including sellers, lessors and public records, and were compiled by MLS Property Information Network, Inc., Martha's Vineyard MLS, CCIMLS, Link MLS, and Berkshire County Board of REALTORS. The property listing data and information, and the images, are for the personal, non-commercial use of consumers having a good faith interest in purchasing or leasing listed properties of the type displayed to them and may not be used for any purpose other than to identify prospective properties which such consumers may have a good faith interest in purchasing or leasing. MLS Property Information Network, Inc., Martha's Vineyard MLS, CCIMLS, Link MLS, and Berkshire County Board of REALTORS and its subscribers disclaim any and all representations and warranties as to the accuracy of the property listing data and information, or as to the accuracy of any of the images, set forth herein.