26 Redwood Drive
For Sale By Owner
For Sale By Owner

Spacious living room and dining area
Up-front kitchen with cherry cabinets, Corian counters, and stainless steel appliances
Den/office for added flexibility
Oversized laundry area with rinse sink
Central air conditioning and natural gas heat/stove
Ample closet and storage space throughout
Inviting full-width front porch
The low monthly lot fee of $656 includes basic cable TV, weekly rubbish pickup, town recycling, town water, and septic system maintenance. A membership share purchase is required (not included in the price), and a successful credit and background check are necessary for membership application. Call today to schedule a showing! - Listing Assistance By O'Connell Sales Group -CALL US TODAY ! :-)
- Central AC
- Porch
- Stainless Steel Appliances
- Laundry
- Laundry Area
Property Details for 26 Redwood Drive
Status | Active |
MLS # | 11544475 |
Days on Market | 143 |
Taxes | - |
HOA Fees | - |
Condo/Co-op Fees | - |
Compass Type | Mobile/Manufactured |
MLS Type | Manufactured |
Year Built | 2014 |
Lot Size | 0.11 AC / 5,000 SF |
County | Plymouth County |
Building Information for 26 Redwood Drive
Property Information for 26 Redwood Drive
- Garage Carsize: 0
- Lotsize: 5000.0
- Year Built: 2014
- Quarter Baths: 0
- Halfbaths: 0
- Threequarterbaths: 0
- Fullbaths: 2
- Bedrooms: 2
Property History for 26 Redwood Drive
Date | Event & Source | Price | Appreciation |
Date | Event & Source | Price |
For completeness, Compass often displays two records for one sale: the MLS record and the public record.
Schools near 26 Redwood Drive
Rating | School | Type | Grades | Distance |
Public - | K to 6 | |||
Public - | 7 to 8 | |||
Public - | 9 to 12 |
Rating | School | Distance |
Halifax Elementary School PublicK to 6 | ||
Silver Lake Regional Middle School Public7 to 8 | ||
Silver Lake Regional High School Public9 to 12 |
School ratings and boundaries are provided by GreatSchools.org and Pitney Bowes. This information should only be used as a reference. Proximity or boundaries shown here are not a guarantee of enrollment. Please reach out to schools directly to verify all information and enrollment eligibility.
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The property listing data and information, or the images, set forth herein were provided to MLS Property Information Network, Inc., Martha's Vineyard MLS, CCIMLS, Link MLS, and Berkshire County Board of REALTORS from third party sources, including sellers, lessors and public records, and were compiled by MLS Property Information Network, Inc., Martha's Vineyard MLS, CCIMLS, Link MLS, and Berkshire County Board of REALTORS. The property listing data and information, and the images, are for the personal, non-commercial use of consumers having a good faith interest in purchasing or leasing listed properties of the type displayed to them and may not be used for any purpose other than to identify prospective properties which such consumers may have a good faith interest in purchasing or leasing. MLS Property Information Network, Inc., Martha's Vineyard MLS, CCIMLS, Link MLS, and Berkshire County Board of REALTORS and its subscribers disclaim any and all representations and warranties as to the accuracy of the property listing data and information, or as to the accuracy of any of the images, set forth herein.