15 Church Street, Unit W200
![15 Church Street, Unit W200 Sag Harbor, NY 11963 - Photo 1 of 23](https://www.compass.com/m/95f0d0ac883c6e94defee4e927d88686286afc55_img_0/origin.webp)
Listing Agents
- jeremydunham@compass.com
P: (631)-875-2475
- noellemasini@compass.com
P: (310)-980-3199
Property Details for 15 Church Street, Unit W200
Property Details for 15 Church Street, Unit W200
Status | Sold |
MLS # | 861491 |
Rental Registry | - |
Days on Market | - |
Rental Incentives | - |
Available Date | - |
Furnished | - |
Compass Type | Rental |
MLS Type | Condo |
Year Built | - |
Lot Size | 0.00 AC |
County | Suffolk County |
Building Information for 15 Church Street, Unit W200
Property Information for 15 Church Street, Unit W200
- Latitude: 40.999568
- Longitude: -72.294046
- Property Township: Southampton
- Property Zone Type: 500
- Hamlet ID: 210
- Tax Year: 0
- Percentage of Tax that is Deductable: 0.0
- Parcel ID: 0903-003.02-02.00-001.000
- Near Bus: Yes
- Building/Community Parking: Yes
- Land Frontage in Feet: 0.0
- Residential Style: 0
- Is Natural Gas Available: Yes
- Renovation Year: 0
- Construction Type: 0
- Commercial Type: 0
- Sewer Type: 0
- Water Source Type: 0
- Exterior Patio: Yes
- Pool Gunite: Yes
- Pool Heated: Yes
- Pool Inground: Yes
- Building/Community Gym: Yes
- Building/Community Pool: Yes
- Building/Community Pets Allowed: Yes
- Building Elevator: Yes
- Building/Community Concierge: Yes
- Building/Community Rec Room: Yes
- Building/Community Clubhouse: Yes
- Balcony: Yes
- Terrace: Yes
- Attic Type: 0
- Intercom: Yes
- Laundry: Yes
- Appliance Dishwasher: Yes
- Appliance Dryer: Yes
- Appliance Oven: Yes
- Appliance Refrigerator: Yes
- Appliance Stainless Steel: Yes
- Appliance Washer: Yes
- Basement Area Square Footage: 0.0
- Basement Type: 0
- Floor Hardwood: Yes
- Handicap Features: Yes
- Heat Fuel Electric: Yes
- Heat Type Pump: Yes
- Interior Amps: 0
- Interior Sprinklers: Yes
- Is Furnished: Yes
- Kitchen Counter Type: 600
- Kitchen Type: Open
- Room Den: Yes
- Room Family: Yes
- Room First Floor Bath: Yes
- Room First Floor Master: Yes
- Room Foyer: Yes
- Room Kitchen: Yes
- Room Laundry: Yes
- Room Living: Yes
- Room Master Bedroom: Yes
- Room Private Guest: Yes
- Room Walk in Closet: Yes
- Number of Fireplaces: 0.0
- Number of Garage Spaces: 1.0
- Number of Lots: 0.0
- Number of Rooms: 0.0
- Number of Stories: 1.0
- Number of Units: 0.0
- Internet: Yes
- Is Seasonal Rental: Yes
- Linens: Yes
- Pets: Yes
- TV: Yes
Schools near 15 Church Street, Unit W200
Rating | School | Type | Grades | Distance |
Public - | PK to 5 | |||
Public - | 6 to 12 |
Rating | School | Distance |
Sag Harbor Elementary School PublicPK to 5 | ||
Pierson Middle High School Public6 to 12 |
School ratings and boundaries are provided by GreatSchools.org and Pitney Bowes. This information should only be used as a reference. Proximity or boundaries shown here are not a guarantee of enrollment. Please reach out to schools directly to verify all information and enrollment eligibility.
Homes for Rent near Sag Harbor Village
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