132-140 Washington Street

Foxboro, MA 02035

31,183 / 0.72
Lot Size / Acres


Revitalization/Development opportunity at this iconic East Walpole location. The former Bird Hall site was previously home to many different businesses throughout the years. The historic clock tower still remains and would make a perfect entry way into a new building. This could be a perfect location for a coffee shop, restaurant, brewery, professional offices and more. Lots of possibilities for someone to work with the town to re-develop this corner and own part of Walpole's great history. Photo...Revitalization/Development opportunity at this iconic East Walpole location. The former Bird Hall site was previously home to many different businesses throughout the years. The historic clock tower still remains and would make a perfect entry way into a new building. This could be a perfect location for a coffee shop, restaurant, brewery, professional offices and more. Lots of possibilities for someone to work with the town to re-develop this corner and own part of Walpole's great history. Photo of old building shown is what previously stood at this location to show what may be possible again. Ask agent with regards to any approvals in hand. Buyer will need to do their own due diligence.
  1. Listed by Christopher Perchard • Real Broker MA, LLC

Property Details for 132-140 Washington Street

MLS Area
East Walpole
MA-Walpole-East Walpole, MA-Walpole
LISTING UPDATED: 02/11/2025 05:24 PM

Property Details for 132-140 Washington Street

StatusUnder Agreement
MLS #73289958
Days on Market151
Taxes$5,883 / year
HOA Fees-
Compass TypeLand
MLS TypeLand
Year Built-
CountyNorfolk County

Building Information for 132-140 Washington Street

Lot Size0.72 AC

Property Information for 132-140 Washington Street

General Details
Property Details
  • Building Area Units: Square Feet
  • Community Features: Public Transportation, Shopping, Park, Highway Access
  • Waterfront: No
  • Water View: No
Interior Features
  • Bathrooms Total Integer: 0
Exterior Features
  • Lot Description: Corner Lot
  • Electric: At Street
  • Gas: Other (See Remarks)
  • Sewer: At Street
  • Water: At Street
Property Information
Property Info
  • Documents Available: Order of Conditions, Other (See Remarks)
  • Farm Land Area Units: Square Feet
  • Lot Size Units: Acres
  • Disclosures: Buyers/Agents to do their own due diligence with the town in regards to the tower and what can be constructed. Do Not walk land without an appointment. Serious inquiries only,proof of lending/funding will be required.
Tax Information
  • Tax ID: 246689
  • Assessments: $279,400
  • Book: 31047
  • Tax Year: 2023
  • Zoning: COMM B
Building / Association Information
Complex & Association Information
  • Adult Community: No

Property History for 132-140 Washington Street

DateEvent & SourcePriceAppreciation
DateEvent & SourcePrice

For completeness, Compass often displays two records for one sale: the MLS record and the public record.

Schools near 132-140 Washington Street

This home is within Foxborough School District.
Public - K to 4
Public - 5 to 8
Public - 9 to 12
Public - K to 4
Vincent M Igo Elementary School
PublicK to 4

Ahern Middle School
Public5 to 8

Foxborough High School
Public9 to 12

Charles Taylor Elementary School
PublicK to 4

School ratings and boundaries are provided by GreatSchools.org and Pitney Bowes. This information should only be used as a reference. Proximity or boundaries shown here are not a guarantee of enrollment. Please reach out to schools directly to verify all information and enrollment eligibility.

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No guarantee, warranty or representation of any kind is made regarding the completeness or accuracy of descriptions or measurements (including square footage measurements and property condition), such should be independently verified, and Compass expressly disclaims any liability in connection therewith. Photos may be virtually staged or digitally enhanced and may not reflect actual property conditions. Offers of compensation are subject to change at the discretion of the seller. No financial or legal advice provided. Equal Housing Opportunity.

Listing Courtesy of Real Broker MA, LLC, Christopher Perchard

The property listing data and information, or the images, set forth herein were provided to MLS Property Information Network, Inc., Martha's Vineyard MLS, CCIMLS, Link MLS, and Berkshire County Board of REALTORS from third party sources, including sellers, lessors and public records, and were compiled by MLS Property Information Network, Inc., Martha's Vineyard MLS, CCIMLS, Link MLS, and Berkshire County Board of REALTORS. The property listing data and information, and the images, are for the personal, non-commercial use of consumers having a good faith interest in purchasing or leasing listed properties of the type displayed to them and may not be used for any purpose other than to identify prospective properties which such consumers may have a good faith interest in purchasing or leasing. MLS Property Information Network, Inc., Martha's Vineyard MLS, CCIMLS, Link MLS, and Berkshire County Board of REALTORS and its subscribers disclaim any and all representations and warranties as to the accuracy of the property listing data and information, or as to the accuracy of any of the images, set forth herein.