Price Estimate
$3,100,000 to $3,500,000*
* This represents an estimated sale price for this property.
It's not the same as opinion of value in appraisal developed by a
licensed appraiser under the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal practice.
The information contained herein is derived from the local MLS
and does not purport to be complete nor, necessarily, accurate and should be independently verified;
nor does it represent or constitute a legal analysis or financial advice.
Changes in price, condition, sale, or withdrawal may be made without notice.
All measurements and square footage are approximate.
This is not intended to solicit property already listed.
Compass is a licensed real estate broker. Equal Housing Opportunity.
Compass and its agents disclaim any and all liability for representations and warranties,
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the information contained herein or any other written or oral
communication transmitted or made available to the recipient.
Notwithstanding any language to the contrary contained herein,
this Competitive Market Analysis is NOT an appraisal of the market value for property
and is not intended to be used for any legal purpose including approval of mortgage loan,
modification of a mortgage loan, divorce/property separation, estate settlement,
bankruptcy proceedings or any other purpose where real estate value is needed.
If an appraisal is desired, the services of a licensed or certified appraiser must be obtained.