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I was born and raised in Nashville. Growing up, I always felt that I would follow in my father's footsteps and work in the corporate world. After being a collegiate athlete at Austin Peay State University, I worked for my father and shortly realized that corporate life was not for me. In January 2013, I moved to Germany for six months and worked as a Handyman for a family friend. Germany taught me a lot, but what it taught me the most is to do things right the first time and to not promise something you can't deliver. While in Germany, I developed a passion for working on homes and decided that I would flip houses upon my return to Tennessee. Shortly after returning to the States, I acquired my license, and within 3 days, my first client fell in my lap. Although I intended on flipping homes, God had a bigger plan. Fast forward 11 amazing years, and I now have a fantastic team that shares the same servant's heart that I have. We have had the privilege of serving over 350 families and are constantly revamping our systems to provide the best experience for our clients! I'm so grateful for the path God laid out for me. I wake up every day with a purpose and a goal of helping people get to a better place.