Steven Seiki's Profile Photo

Steven Seiki

Realtor® | DRE# 02227025
About Steven

Steven is a detail-oriented, hard-working individual who was born and raised in the East Bay. He is a passionate and faithful Bay Area resident of 30+ years where he attended Northgate High School in Walnut Creek and graduated with a Degree in Marketing from San Francisco State University.

After years of successful Tech Recruiting in the corporate world, Steven decided to take a leap into the dynamic and ever-evolving field of real estate. Real estate has always fascinated him, and he looks forward to the opportunity to guide individuals and families through one of the most significant decisions of their lives.

His experience as a recruiter has equipped him with valuable skills such as effective communication, negotiation, and relationship-building. Steven is eager to leverage his passion for connecting with people and his expertise in understanding their needs to assist with crafting a personalized approach and strategy. 

In his transition to Real Estate, Steven has been lucky to gain an invaluable mentor and partner in Darrell Hoh. Darrell has 35+ years of Real Estate experience servicing the Bay Area where he was also born and raised. Through the guidance of Darrell as his coach, Steven is swiftly advancing in his journey and he is poised to effectively impart the same wisdom to his own clients.

Client Testimonials

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"Dear Steve, I would like to thank you for the incredible job you did in closing 1725 15th Street in the Railroad Ferry Landing Division of West Oakland. I could not be happier with the news of this closed escrow.
While I have purchased over 25 properties since 1990, not one purchase has involved the complexity of circumstances surrounding this probate sale, nor the interpersonal issues involving all the different players in this cast of involved relatives and legal representatives. AND YET, this purchase has gone more smoothly, or smoother, than any of my previous purchases.
And while there were twelve starting bidding parties, you were able to package our offers in a way that not only kept us competitive at every stage, but ultimately led us to the winning offer. I can't imagine having attempted this on my own or with a less knowledgeable team than yours.
I have not yet decided whether to develop the vacant parcels myself, or to sell them with a city-approved development plan. But, if a sale is in the future, you can be sure that you will be hearing from me. "
" - Nick P.