Scott Witkin

Scott Witkin


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About Scott
A native of Long Beach and a longtime resident of Southern California, Scott couples
neighborhood expertise with impeccable client service and technical skill. Known for his ability to clearly communicate, his organization, attentiveness, and attention to detail fuel Scottā€™s drive to provide the best experience for his clients in meeting their real estate goals.

As a High School English Teacher and a College lacrosse coach for the past twenty-plus years, Scottā€™s discipline, leadership, and fine negotiating skills allow him to create the best value possible representing either a seller or buyer. As an owner of investment properties, he has honed these skills and provides a unique perspective to those seeking a second home with income potential to make himself an asset in any situation.

Scottā€™s family of six, extended family of hundreds of lacrosse players, and the thousands of
students he has taught over the years are a tribute to his love of life, connection to people,
affable demeanor, and sense of humor. A family man to the core, his desire to help families
achieve their dreams through real estate are what drive him to excel in providing the most
rewarding real estate experience.