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Martin Albert

Licensed Real Estate Agent


Massachusetts College of Art - Fine Arts
About Martin

Martin, a native of Greater Boston, graduated from the Massachusetts College of Art with a degree in fine arts. He soon moved to New York City, lived in the East Village (where he met his wife, Anne), and then on the Upper East Side with his budding family, before decamping to the Berkshires 20 years ago. Martin and Anne now live in Great Barrington with two beautiful girls and two crazy dogs. 

Martin worked in the film and television business for years and along the way found the time to renovate and sell several houses in Cambridge, Watertown, and the Berkshires. He’s also navigated the world of New York City co-ops as a member of the building board where he once combined two apartments into one. Martin has always loved looking at houses and landscapes, their uses, and transformations.

The Alberts live in a classic Victorian in Great Barrington that they have meticulously restored over the last 18 years. Martin loves calling the Berkshires home, and has always had a passion for real estate, and all that the area has to offer. Martin is an avid photographer and skier and can often be found hiking with the dogs.