Kerry Zuvella

Kerry Zuvella

REALTOR® | DRE# 02166750


About Kerry
Kerry Zuvella began her career in real estate in 2010 specializing in marketing strategies, sales, operational performance and business development for various boutique real estate brokerages in the Bay Area. Today Kerry utilizes her administrative, marketing and interpersonal skills with accuracy and efficiency while maintaining a motivated, productive and goal oriented environment for the Nevis and Ardizzone Team at Compass. Kerry understands that the buying or selling of a home is one of the most important transactions in our clients’ lives and takes her responsibilities seriously. She is honest, ethical and reliable and uses the latest technology to benefit both the consumer as well as the agents working the transaction. Kerry is raising her young family in San Jose, and is very involved in the community. She enjoys reading, exercise, and traveling. Her favorite travel spot is Yosemite.