Jessie Henneck-Aguiar's Profile Photo

Jessie Henneck-Aguiar

About Jessie
Born and raised in Olympia, Iā€™ve also lived in Port Angeles, New York City, and Seattle - but I returned to Olympia (for good) in 2018. The story of my familyā€™s presence in this part of Washington reaches all the way back to the 1800s, when my ancestors homesteaded land half an hour from where I currently live; I feel fortunate to have grown up with such a deep connection and familiarity this area, and for all the gifts of the PNW. My passion for real estate comes through its ability to transform lives- for people to write their own stories, improve their situations, and create enduring security for their families. I help people make informed decisions about buying, selling, and investing to advance their personal goals - and hopefully even enjoy the journey!