Jennifer S. Bocian

Jennifer S. Bocian

Licensed Associate Real Estate Broker | Bedford-Stuyvesant Branch


Client Testimonials

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"Jennifer was an absolute joy to work with, and we are forever grateful for how above-and-beyond she went in ensuring my wife and I found our dream home here in Brooklyn. If you are attempting to become a first-time homebuyer in NYC, you undoubtedly have questions. Well trust me, Jennifer has answers - and she will go to any length necessary to ensure you never feel uncertain in your decision making. The best partner we could have ever asked for!" - Graham

"Jennifer made the whole real-estate buying experience in NY much easier and enjoyable for me. Given that we met and started searching for my place right in the thick of a global pandemic, she made the process smooth, professional, and as I said, always enjoyable. She is the utmost professional, uber experienced - she really knows her stuff when it comes to Brooklyn real estate and new developments. She also is very upfront when she needs to check something out with her reliable network of real estate professionals. A fountain of knowledge and advice. Highly recommended. I would work with her again." - Nicole

"Jennifer was the best Real Estate Agent a person could ask for. I am a 1st time home buyer in New York City and she walked me through every step of the way. I couldn't have asked for a more attentive agent. She negotiated a great deal and knew all the steps to make my applications to the Co-Op board go through without a single issue. If there were more stars, I would give them to her!" - Stephanie

" We met Jennifer as first-time prospective home buyers. Jennifer was patient, collaborative, and knowledgeable - the perfect trifecta! She acted professionally on our behalf as a broker, was honest when providing her feedback and thoughts on certain properties, and was extremely responsive. We ended up deciding not to purchase but used Jennifer as our representative and rental broker when we needed to act quickly for a time-sensitive move. She worked with us day and night, helping research properties of interest, coming to showings with us, and in the end negotiating and landing us our current apartment. For any of your Brooklyn real estate needs, we would highly recommend Jennifer and will plan to continue to work with her as our housing needs shift and change. Don't hesitate!" - Hayley

" As a seasoned real estate investor, I often come across agents that are just winging it. After working with Jennifer Bocian, my perspective has changed. Jennifer instills confidence with professionalism, market insight, tireless energy, and sharp wit. I recommend anyone who is looking to work with a true veteran in the real estate field. Contact her and let her ease the buying and selling process and make it as enjoyable and easy as possible." - Brian

" Jennifer’s keen eye and attention to detail make for the perfect agent. She is attentive to what you are looking for and can deliver. Her knowledge of the industry is apparent when working with her. I wouldn’t go anywhere else." - Joanne

" Jennifer was amazing the entire time working with her! She provided quick and informative responses, was professional, set up calendar invites to confirm meetings, and was very knowledgeable about the property. She assisted from beginning to end. I would highly recommend it." - Danika

About Jennifer
Jennifer joins Compass with more than 18+ years of New York City real estate experience. Her extensive career within the industry has led her to hold a variety of corporate positions with a focus on sales and marketing, market analysis, property showcasing, and transaction management.

She has represented some of the city’s most notable developers and has consulted on several projects including Silver Towers | 610-620 West 42nd Street, The Continental | 885 Sixth Avenue, DKLB BKLN | 80 Dekalb Avenue, QLIC | 41-42 24th Street, The Livingston Collection | 68 Livingston Street, and 594 Marcy Avenue.

In addition to delivering strategic new development campaigns, Jennifer enjoyed a decade-long tenure with a prominent Manhattan real estate developer where she directed residential sales, leasing, marketing, and design initiatives for the firm. She successfully promoted luxury properties across multiple sectors of the industry including residential, office, boutique hospitality, and retail. As a sponsor’s representative, she developed a unique understanding of condominium and cooperative conversions while she managed, renovated, negotiated, and sold hundreds of co-op and condominium apartments. She credits her ability to work through deals effectively, having represented both sides of the transaction.

Jennifer engages her passion for real estate with a hands-on, client first philosophy. She takes a holistic approach to understand her clients’ personal and financial objectives. As both a homeowner and real estate investor, Jennifer offers first-hand knowledge and industry expertise to those who work with her.

A lifelong New York resident, Jennifer has witnessed the city through decades of transformation and remains endlessly fascinated with its enduring history. Jennifer is a member of the Brooklyn Historical Society and considers herself an amateur historian on revival and modern architecture.

She’s also a proud member of the Alex Gandelman Team - as well as a sponsor
of Futbol Rebels Youth Soccer.

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Jennifer S. Bocian’s Listings

Listed By CompassOpen: 6/2 12:00PM - 01:00PM - By Appt


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