Cammie Fawcett

Cammie Fawcett


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Cammie did an amazing job helping us find our home. She knows the market and the area very well and went above and beyond to make our needs and dreams happen. - Jesse C.

My wife and I feel very lucky to have connected with Cammie as our real estate professional. We were unable to travel to the island to look at homes and Cammie was great about setting up virtual tours over face time and helped me understand the housing market in Hawaii as we were looking. I felt very comfortable asking questions and never felt hurried while looking at properties. We found one we liked and submitted a bid but our bid was not accepted and Cammie let us know that there had been a surprising amount of competition for that particular home. However, I felt that Cammie helped us put in a solid bid that we were comfortable with and could manage. Cammie's relaxed and confident manner helped us take that loss in stride and we kept looking. When we found the home we ended up purchasing, Cammie walked us through every step of the bidding and inspection process and set up virtual meetings with the various professionals that were inspecting the home so I could ask questions and have reports explained to me by the person who did the work. When my wife and I came to the island for closing and the final walk-through, we were very pleased with the home Cammie helped us buy and found it to be in better condition than we were originally expecting. Cammie has a very down to earth, straight forward honesty that made us feel as if we had a trusted friend on the island working with our best interests in mind. Coming from the mainland, this is by far the most nerve-wracking home purchase I have ever made and I will always be grateful to Cammie for making it possible. - Brian P.

Cammie was not our first choice as our agent, but she turned out to be our BEST choice. She did a wonderful job in staging, marketing, and selling our “forever home” My wife and I find that among her best qualities are her positive cheerful attitude, her extensive knowledge, responsiveness, and her work ethics. She was such a pleasure to work with and lessened the stress of selling. Cammie did an excellent job of selling our home. She was extremely helpful in suggestions for staging and landscaping of our home to improve its appeal. She researched our neighborhood and was very knowledgeable in sharing that information with potential buyers. She was a welcoming presence at our open houses. Cammie works for a great company (Compass) and we love their “complete service” philosophy. Cammie and her “family” really came through in helping us vacate our “forever” home timely. Our first home offer fizzled right before closing in escrow. We were all very disappointed, but the relisting of our home sold for more than the asking price. For this we are extremely pleased and grateful. Paying the sales commissions to both parties was money well spent. - Francis S.

We recently had the pleasure of working with Cammie Fawcett during our search for a new home and could not have been more pleased with the experience. From the moment we spoke, I was so thankful that Zillow matched us with her. We only had a few days on the island, but she ensured that we were able to make the most out of our time there. She took the time to understand our specific needs and preferences and was patient with us as we worked through the process of finding the right home. What really stood out about Cammie was her responsiveness and communication. Throughout our search, she was always available to answer our questions and was proactive in reaching out to us with updates. Time was of the essence in our case, not only because of our limited time on the island but because we were competing in a very fast-moving market. Overall, we had a phenomenal experience working with Cammie and would highly recommend her to anyone in need of real estate services!! . -Kelvin L.

Cammie Fawcett handled all the details needed to make the transactions on the sale of my house complete, with her professionalism. She provided me with the ins and outs of the process. I appreciated her positive attitude that made this a great experience. I recommend Cammie to all who are searching for a competent realtor. -Debra B.

About Cammie
Cammie moved to O`ahu in 2015 after years of researching homes with high investment value ratios and neighborhoods with great school systems. Cammie eventually purchased a home in the Saint Louis Heights neighborhood of Honolulu. Born in Durango, Colorado Cammie is a Summa Cum Laude graduate from California State University Los Angeles with a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration with an emphasis in Marketing and a minor in Accounting. Cammie has two children and a wonderful husband of 17 years named Roger.

In addition to being a licensed Realtor, Cammie Fawcett is also a highly skilled transaction manager. She has successfully managed over 800 real estate transactions in Hawai`i. Her experience assisting over 800 transactions on the Alesia Barnes Team for both buyers, and sellers, makes Cammie an unrivaled expert in her field. This knowledge ensures clients a positive experience navigating their real estate transactions. Cammie is well-versed in all aspects of real estate from purchases, to sales, to the close of escrow, you are in highly capable hands. Cammie is proud to be part of one of the top-performing real estate teams in the state, the Alesia Barnes Team at the #1 Real estate Agency, Compass.

Known for her exceptional communication skills, patience, and her attention to detail, Cammie Fawcett is a natural at taking a thoughtfully tailored approach to each client relationship and enjoys helping clients achieve their goals. If you or someone you know is looking to buy or sell and want an agent with a lot of experience, Cammie is ready to go to work for you today.

Cammie Fawcett’s Listings

Listed By CompassVirtual TourOpen: 6/13 10:30AM - 12:30AM


Square Feet
a front view of a house with a yard
a backyard of a house with lots of green space
a view of living room with granite countertop furniture and a fireplace
a kitchen with a sink and wooden floor
a view of living room with granite countertop furniture and a large window
a room with furniture and a window
a room with granite countertop lots of wooden furniture
a bathroom with a sink and a potted plant
a living room with furniture and large windows
a living room with furniture and a potted plant
a view of a terrace with furniture and a garden
a view of an ocean from a balcony
a living room with furniture and a window
a bathroom with a granite countertop toilet a sink a mirror a shower a vanity and window
a view of city from a balcony
a view of city from a balcony
a living room with furniture and a window
a bathroom with a sink and a mirror
a view of a house with a yard and palm trees
a view of a swimming pool with lounge chair
a view of city with lush green space
front view of a house with a yard
an aerial view of residential building ocean boats and trees
Listed By CompassActive Under Contract


Square Feet