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Ashley Lezama

About Ashley
Ashley has been a proud team member of the Chobee Hoy Group since 2009, which merged with the family in summer 2018. Over the years, she has developed a strong rental based clientele, that has bloomed into buyer seller relationships. With her outgoing personality attention to detail, her clients trust her work ethic, professionalism knowledge to guide their real estate needs.

Ashley largely serves the Brookline/ Boston communities but is well versed in its surrounding cities/towns. She enjoys working with both new seasoned real estate clients. After many successful years working for a local multi-million dollar ticketing agency, Ashley decided to take her sales experience to new heights. She wanted to have more of an impact on her clients. In the market for a home herself, she decided to enter real estate become an that she herself would want to hire.

Ashley is a native to the Boston area but has a strong bond with Brookline. A graduate of Brookline High School, Ashley met ultimately married her high school sweetheart. Ashley received her BA from Northeastern University as a Communications major Womenā€™s Studies minor. As a mother of two smart beautifully spirited children, Ashley enjoys exercising, cooking, spending her time with her family, traveling across the county to watch her daughter play basketball.