Lin Ning's Profile Photo

Lin Ning

Realtor® | DRE#01994788


International Property Specialist, Helping First Time Homebuyers, Luxury Properties, Buyers Agent, Listing Agent

Languages: Chinese, Mandarin, English


Tsinghua University

Client Testimonials

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"Ning is great knowledgeable agent! She helped us a lot to understand the market, evaluate house, suggest on bidding value and actively negotiate with listing agent on our behalf."

"My husband and I were very fortunate to have Lin as our agent when buying our first house. Lin was extremely professional and knowledgable. She gave a clear overview of the process and explained the purpose and timeline of each step in detail. She always encouraged us to ask questions, and when we did, she was patient and responsive in giving answers. I appreciated most how Lin truly cared for her clients. She never rushed us to make an offer on a house, and she gave her honest opinions about the pros and cons of each house. Many times she would point out a flaw we hadn’t noticed and suggest against making an offer. When we were finally ready to make an offer, she urged us to think carefully whether we truly found our dream home or whether we were just trying to get over the house-searching process. She then negotiated and forth and settled on a buying price that was well within our budget. My house-buying experience with Lin was smooth and successful, and I highly recommend her as a buying agent."

"Lin is the best agent I have ever deal with. She understands the market and she knows the area well. She offered great suggestions based on our requirement. We successfully got our dream house in our FIRST offer! and that would not be possible with the help from Lin. as soon as we showed our interests in the house, she quickly contacted seller agent to schedule a visiting and required all document with 24 hours. She helped us understand the inspection report and called several contractor for a repair quote. During the negotiation, she is the one suggested us to not increase our offer price and we finally got the house in a good deal. With the aid from Lin, we closed in 24 days. During the whole process, Lin always response to our call/email/message, we can find her whenever we need help. Lin is knowledgeable, response and respect her buyer. I have recommend her to several of my friends and I will highly recommend her to any buyers who are interested to buy a house in south bay."

"We got our dream house within two months at a great price and it could never happen without Lin’s help! When we met Lin for the first house hunting trip, I was immediately impressed by her professionalism. She is exceptionally knowledgable about the market and pros/cons of houses and very honest. She quickly understood what kinds of houses we were looking for and timely updated us when she saw a potential buys available. That was how we found our home eventually: Lin called us one day and told us to check on a house we must see. It was on the market for the first day and we went and liked it a lot. It was definitely a hot home and got quite a few traffic that day. The sale agent got some inquires and said she planned to do an open house during the weekend. Lin analyzed the situation and encouraged us to make a preemptive offer. Her “try the best” attitude actually works! Our offer got accepted and the price is very reasonable. The whole process went so smoothly and Lin was incredibly helpful and responsive the whole time. I couldn’t have asked for a better experience! Highly recommended!"

"As for me, Lin is not just an agent, but more like a friend. She helped me analyze my situation and the market, advised on my loan, provided me with realistic targets, evaluated each candidate property carefully, and did whatever she could do to help get my dream property. She is highly efficient. I closed the deal within 6 weeks (2 weeks for house hunting and 4 weeks for loan). She is good at communicating with seller agent. Seller was persuaded to sell the unit in PA in a discounted price after Lin’s great effort! She is logically minded. She gave pros and cons, told me to be calm and patient, and never pushed me to write an offer. I found her to be trustful, and I believe you will have the same feeling if you work with her. PLUS, imagine yourself sit in a Tesla Model X on a house hunting trip. Isn’t it cool?"

About Lin
Lin received her bachelor’s and master’s degree from Tsinghua University in Beijing, China. She started her professional career working as a business consultant in IBM Global Business Services. After moving to the Bay Area, she found her passion in Real Estate. She thinks Realtor is her career rather than a job. With outstanding market knowledge, strong connections and network, phenomenal negotiation skills and excellent customer service, Lin became the top real estate agent in the Bay Area. Lin was ranked Top 50 Real Estate Agent in Silicon Valley in 2018.