Suzanne David

Suzanne David

Sales Associate Licensed in CT

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"I wanted to rent my Condo for three months and Suzanne was eager to help me and did a wonderful efficient job. The paper work was taken care of without a hitch and she kept giving me feedback and updates. The whole process was handled professionally and it did not take long for her to find me the perfect renter. I couldn't have been more pleased. I highly recommend her."

"My wife and I decided to sell our home of almost twenty years. Obviously we were not overly familiar with the process and we were hesitant given the weak real estate market. We learned of Suzanne David through a professional contact and interviewed Suzanne along with other realtors we knew of. We were impressed with her experience and knowledge of the local market, particularly, specific sales experience with homes just like ours. We decided to work with Suzanne and she went right to work identifying what we could do to best prepare our home for sale. Suzanne worked long hours showing our home and did all that was possible to bring in potential buyers. In the end we not only found a buyer but a very good and well-qualified buyer. In short we could not have been happier. Suzanne's knowledge and experience went a great distance in making our home sale happen and we would strongly recommend her services to any home seller in the Mystic area looking for the best realtor possible to sell their home."

"I live out of state and needed to help my Dad sell his home and move to an independent living retirement community. I made the trip after Thanksgiving to get things started, in anticipation not much would happen until spring time, and met with several real estate agents. Dad selected Suzanne because she was so easy to relate to and was very sincere in her concern for his situation. The house and an adjacent 5 acre parcel was listed competitively just before Christmas...the 5 acres had two full price cash offers in one day (she called all the builders in the area) and the house had multiple showings within the first four days, one resulting in an offer. Priced right for the market and buyers at the right time. So the offers were considered, countered, etc. and closing dates were set. I reviewed the contracts from out of state as Suzanne emailed all the paperwork so I could review everything with my Dad. Suzanne helped my Dad pack and clear out the house. She arranged for a moving company to move him as well as a dumpster and pick ups for charitable donations. She also arranged for a cleaning company to prepare the house for the buyers. She was with him on moving day and made sure he was settled in that evening in his apartment with his cat. She moved his fish tank independent of the movers. She assisted him with all the details and made sure the move to his apartment went smooth after 51 years in his home. She did much more than sell his property for him...she made a major life changing experience seem seamless with her friendship and concern. I highly recommend Suzanne as she puts everything she has into her clients to assure they have the best possible outcome."

"Suzanne guided us thru 2 complete transactions in the past month. The properties, our 160 year home and a nearby condo, represented a major life change for us. She began with the extraordinary optimism of an experienced realitor, and proved herself as a competent agent in representing our interests throughout. As our move was essentially local, she was quite knowledgable regarding prices, value of location, and was open and fair. Suzanne was polite, thorough, and cheerful at every meeting, kept in constant phone contact, and displayed deep knowledge of all the details. Without question we would use Suzanne in the future, and recommend without reservation. "

"Suzanne's experience and expertise with the local market came many years ago as a local appraiser and growing up in Mystic. She took exceptional care of me and my family as we shared the emotional experience of selling the family home. Suzanne would even show up unexpectedly to check on the empty house, plant a few flowers, and complete some staging without being prompted. She was our voice of professionalism and reason and sold the property very quickly in a difficult market."

About Suzanne
Suzanne's perspective is unique because she is also a residential real estate appraiser. In addition to selling, she works with banks and attorneys to determine values for lending and estate planning. She owned her real estate agency for 20 years. Suzanne has lived in the Mystic/Stonington area since 1967 and loves it here! She has so many unique and interesting attractions. They have miles of coastline perfect for sailing, boating, or kayaking. And they are minutes away from Rhode Island's fabulous beaches. You will find plenty to do; not to mention many great restaurants.

Suzanne enjoys every aspect of real estate and she is happy to have had a long and diverse career. She is dedicated to making the buying and selling process as smooth and painless as possible. A majority of her business comes from repeat business from satisfied clients illustrating a solid reputation that she works hard to maintain. She looks forward to working with you to accomplish all of your real estate desires.

Suzanne is a long-time board member of HOPE, Inc. Dedicated to providing well-designed, affordable housing to low-income families. And she is a Secretary of the Stonington Affordable Housing Committee.

In her spare time, she enjoys the gym, biking, boating, kayaking, reading, her great family and friends, and her kitties, Boris and Natasha.